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  • Mestre Bed An inviting and peaceful bed series combining solid wood with soft fabric-covered surfaces. Mestre was designed as one of the most impressive marriages of natural solid wood frame and fabric-covered soft surfaces. While the foot structure carrying the soft panel at the head of the bed repeats the same form on the front legs, it reveals the details that form the character of the design.
    Sku: 30000372689-1

    Mestre BDM180 Bed Armoni 411 Light Gray

    $5 032.49
  • Solanas Beige Iroko Sunbed with Cushions Designed with Spanish design codes, Solonas has clean lines and modern lines. As we go into the design details, the balanced structure of its simplicity and order immediately attracts attention as a wonderful representation of the culture it belongs to. The contrast created by the Iroko frame consisting of curved lines and the modular lines of the skeleton further reveals Solonas' design thought.  
    Sku: 31000036679-1

    Solanas Beige Iroko Sunbed with Cushions

    $1 452.00